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Photo of test laboratory work station


SAL GmbH is an independent testing laboratory accredited by the DAkkS (German accreditation body) according to
DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" and Directives 93/42/ EEC and 90/385/ EEC. The accreditation is not only a conformation of an implemented quality management system, but certifies the technical competence of the laboratory to carry out tests in accordance with valid legal and normative requirements. Requirement for this are beside the management system among other things:

  • Qualification and competence of the personnel
  • Qualification, maintenance and calibration of suitable test equipment (proof of traceability to national standards)
  • Appropriate, validated test methods
  • Quality assurance procedures

Thus, the accreditation is to be understood as a seal of approval for a reliable result and a high quality of testing the examination. To obtain and maintain accreditation, the laboratory is regularly audited by the German accreditation body.

The German Accreditation Body is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and, like many other national accreditation bodies worldwide, has signed a Multilateral Recognition Agreement (ILAC MRA). Thereby the validity of the test result will also be recognized by organizations and authorities of other signatory countries. Renewed tests for the export of goods can therefore be omitted in the verification by an accredited laboratory.