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PCD - Type Test according to ISO 11140-4 (Bowie-Dick Simulation)

The original Bowie-Dick Test consists of a 7 kg cotton pack, which is used either with thermocouples or a chemical indicator sheet as a type test for sterilizers according to the sterilizer standard EN 285. The performance of air removal and steam penetration of porous loads is evaluated. Since it is very complex to fold the cotton pack correctly, so-called Bowie Dick Simulators (BDS) were developed for routine monitoring. To ensure that the performance requirements of those simulation tests correspond to the 7 kg cotton pack, BDS tests have been specified in the standard EN ISO 11140-4. 

We, as an independent test laboratory, use very complex, freely programmable sterilizers and resistometers in order to check Bowie-Dick Simulators according to the test conditions mentioned in the standard EN ISO 11140-4. In this way a professional evaluation of the BDS and its conformity with the standards is ensured.